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Claude Monet - A Pathway in Monets Garden Giverny 1902  - (MeisterDrucke-89354).jpg

Our Venue: 

A garden and villa inspired by Claude Monet's home 
originally in Giverny, France

About The Venue

The reception will be held  at a place called Monet Monet: Gallery and Gardens. It was inspired by the French artist, Claude Monet, the creator of impressionist painting and his home in the region of  Normandy in northern France. Monet used light and color to focus on capturing the experience and emotion of the moment. His paintings enchant viewers with the very essence and mood of a moment, transforming the everyday into the magical. Located on 30A and 5 minutes from Grayton Beach, the house includes a lily pond, bubbling fountains, and a lush garden setting. 

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